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European Network for Workplace Health promotion (ENWHP) launches return to work guidelines
The ENWHP has just launched European Guidelines on Return to Work for people with chronic illnesses, including mental health problems. These guidelines are aimed at managers in enterprises and they provide a practical guide to ensuring that the employee has the best possible chance of successfully returning to work. Produced by the PhWork project, the guide is called "Promoting healthy work for workers with chronic illness: A guide to good practice", is easy to read and discusses the following topics: - A good practice guide on chronic illness at work - What is meant by workplace health promotion, return to work and chronic illness in the context of sustainable employment? - What employers can do to promote healthy work - What you can do: A six-step action plan - Recommendations The guidelines are available at: -
New EU study on alcohol and drugs at work
Alcohol and drugs represent a serious problem for a significant percentage of the working population (5%–20% of workers), especially in some sectors and occupations. Consumption of alcohol and drugs at work can have negative impacts for individuals and organisations in terms of health problems, more instances of sick leave/short-term absenteeism, reduced performance, labour conflicts, more work accidents, company image problems, and damage to equipment or products. Public authorities and social partners in EU countries have developed national legislation and agreements banning/limiting alcohol/drug use at work, with a focus on testing practices intended to control usage at work. Public authorities and social partners have also adopted various policy measures to prevent and combat the negative effects of alcohol and drug use at work. -
UK charity urges government to act on workplace drinking
Alcohol Concern has written to Vince Cable, secretary of state for Business, Innovation and Skills, to call for greater focus on alcohol issues in the workplace, which have a major negative impact on productivity. -
Two-thirds of London employees will let alcohol affect their work this Christmas
More than two thirds of London professionals admit will come into work with a hangover during this year’s Christmas party season according to new research by LondonlovesBusiness. The research, which polled 500 middle managers, shows Londoners intend to hit it hard this season with nearly two fifths (39%) admitting their boozing might impact on how well they do their job. Further compounding London's status as a boozy capital, nearly a fifth (17%) of professionals say they will be suffering the after effects of alcohol on at least three days of their working week. More than three quarters (82%) of the female managers polled say their company drinks socially. More than a third 35% of all respondents reveal their firm either has a 'strong drinking culture' or that they 'often drink together'. When questioned on how often they get drunk with their colleagues, nearly a tenth (9%) of women admit to doing so at least once a week or more. However, almost a third (30%) of respondents say they only get drunk at special occasions such as Christmas parties. Sophie Hobson, editor of LondonlovesBusiness, said: "It's no secret that stressed-at-work professionals turn to alcohol to help relieve their stress, but I did not think the numbers of those boozing frequently would be so high. "The research clearly indicates that there will be an awful lot of fuzzy headed professionals over the Christmas party season, and business leaders should not expect to see their best performances." -
Peer pressure forces employees to take drugs at work
More than one in 10 professionals working in London admits to taking illegal drugs whilst at work, and more than a quarter (29%) have witnessed their colleagues taking them too according to new research by londonlovesbusiness.